December 9, 2001
Ephesians 5:15-21
"See that ye walk circumspectly" is the last mention of "walk" in Ephesians. We have been instructed to "walk as children of light" (5:8) and have been shown the "fruit of the light" (5:9). We learned that whatever makes things manifest, that is, shows what they really are, "is light" (5:13). Best of all, we are to "awake...arise...and Christ shall give [us] light" (5:14). But how are we to use this light?
To "walk circumspectly" means we are to walk with diligence and accuracy as we choose our steps. Things are not always as they seem. We are to carefully choose our path. In themselves these days are not evil. It refers to the evil deeds done during these days. We are to redeem [to act in advance and buy up ahead of time] every opportunity. People sometimes recognize an opportunity only by looking back upon it, but that is too late! In the light that Christ gives for our walk, we are to accurately, carefully, and diligently discern what things really are. We discern what God's will is for us and make right choices every step of the way. That is walking "circumspectly."
And how are we to do this? We are not to be "fools [unwise], but wise...understanding what the will of the Lord is" (5:17). We are to "be not drunk [filled] with wine [like fools with clouded thinking]...but be [wise and] filled with the Spirit when speaking to one another" (5:18-19). The verb "fill" in the passive voice indicates action on the subject and the filling is to be "with the Spirit"! Colossians 3:16, the "sister verse" reads, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another." We need not guess what is meant by being "filled by the Spirit." We are filled with the Spirit as "the word of Christ dwells in us richly in all wisdom" as we "speak to and admonish one another." Are such words practical and useful or just theoretical and ornamental?
We have spiritual things to say to our fellows and hearts filled with "psalms and hymns and spiritual the Lord." Words of Christ to one another--Songs of praise and thanks to God! What a contrast with the "corrupt communication" (4:29) that used to be our speech!
Ivan L. Burgener |