December 16, 2001
Ephesians 5:21-33
We are to be filled with the Spirit, "the word of Christ dwelling in us richly in all wisdom [as we] teach and admonish one another." To the Lord we "sing and make melody in our thanks always for all things to God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; submitting ourselves one to another in the fear of God" (5:18-21). And how is this submission to be worked out in the fear of God?
The section begins, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord" and ends, "see that she reverence her husband" (5:22,32). Our reverence for the Lord places us all in our true relationship with each other and covers the whole of society as this truth is applied to the domestic and social side of life. To be sure the application here is even more important than the ecclesiastical and public sphere since "charity begins at home." And these truths must be practiced in our homes. For even the bishop must demonstrate good management of his home before he may be trusted to take care of the church of God . (See 1 Tim. 3:1-13.)
The applications are three-fold: Wives the church does to Christ. Husbands Christ loved the church. Children obey the Lord, Fathers train...and nurture...of the Lord. Slaves obey... as unto Christ, Masters do the same...for you have a Lord in heaven.
We cannot help but see the physical interwoven with the spiritual, for "Wives submit (physical) as the church (spiritual), and husbands--ought to love their wives (physical) even as the Lord the church (spiritual). And as the wife and husband are one flesh (physical) even so the Mystery, Christ and the Church are One Body (spiritual)!
God's word is tempered with grace, for the husband is the head, but is to love and not to rule rough-shod. Assuming his role as head, he submits to an obligation and commitment to caring leadership. His love is to be directed to blessing and well being of his wife, not for selfish ends whatever may be his benefit in return. His goal is that his wife be sanctified, cleansed, and presented glorious to himself without spot or wrinkle. Even wrinklesbrought on by age and worry will be minimized by loving care. Submission to him will be easy.
Ivan L. Burgener |