March 14, 2004
Romans 3:21
The Gentiles were inexcusable in the face of God's creation and the law of conscience (Rom. 1:20 & 2:14-15). Israel being privileged by the law from Mt. Sinai and having enjoyed God's goodness, patience, and longsuffering were all the more "inexcusable" (Rom. 2:1). No Jew or Gentile was found righteous, "no, not one" (3:10). Man's urgent need was righteousness, yet no scheme of his own or commandment from heaven could provide it. The law was to make sin known. It was never intended to make men righteous or give life (Gal. 2:21, 3:21).
The condemnation and spirituality of the law should have led men to see their desperate need of Christ! Yet the righteousness spoken of in the gospel was not explained until that righteousness is clearly un-attainable by every other known means! At last Paul could finally say, "But now the righteousness of God without [apart from] the law has been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets, even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ" (Romans 3:21-22). "But now" we step out of condemnation into acceptance, out of darkness into light, out of legal bondage into gospel freedom, out or fruitless works into fruitful faith!
"But now" marks out a new dispensation for "in times past" we walked according to the world, and were "the sons of disobedience," "But God," rich in mercy and love, energized us together with Christ and saved us by His grace. We have life instead of death! "In times past" we were without Christ, aliens...strangers... without hope... and without God in the world. "But now" God placed us in His Son and brought us near by the blood of Christ. He became our peace, broke down the middle wall. We have nearness instead of distance. (Eph. 2).
"But now" is the mark of time. Works cease and faith operates. Moses withdraws and grace reigns by the one righteousness of Christ! The law by Moses gives way to the grace by Christ. And just as the gospel was promised afore by the prophets, so the righteousness of God which constitutes the very power of the gospel is witnessed by the law and the prophets. God's righteousness was revealed in the gospel and manifested apart from the law, & received by faith alone.
Ivan L. Burgener |