April 4, 2004
Romans 3:22 & 26
Two verses in Romans 3:21-28 have the phrase "the faith of Christ." The first is clear to see in 3:22, "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ..." In 3:26 this phrase is not so clear for it reads, "him that believes in Jesus." Since the Greek is the same in both places it must also read, "that He might be just and the Justifier of him that is of the faith of Jesus." Both verses speak the same thing, of Christ's faithfulness.
That "faith in Christ" can not fit may be seen by trying it in 3:22, "the righteousness of God is manifested by faith in Christ." Such can-not be the case in either verse 22 or 26. Many verses speak of this " faith of Christ " such as, "that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law..." (Gal. 2:16), "I live by the faith of the Son of God...," (Gal. 2:20), and "the Scripture concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of the Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe" (Gal. 3:22).
"The faith of Christ" is set in opposition to "the works of the law, "for "the righteousness of God apart from the law is manifested...even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all" (3:21-22). Both negatively (not of works of law) and positively (by faith of Christ) is God's righteousness manifested! His righteousness is declared for the remission of sins of past time, and His righteousness is also declared for the same forgiveness and justification in the present time "of him that is of the faith of Jesus" (Rom. 3:25-26).
The "faith of Christ" is also illustrated in the case of those "who walk in the steps of that faith of...Abraham" (4:12), that is, of Abraham's own faith. Habakkuk 2:4 in Hebrew reads, "the just shall live by his faith," but the Greek Septuagint reads "the just shall live by My faith." Paul having full knowledge of both renderings wrote to us, "the just shall live by faith" which suggests that we might freely say, "the just shall live by his faith and Christ's faith" (faithfulness)!
Ivan L. Burgener |