June 20, 2004
James 2:22 & Hebrews 11:40
Both James 2 and Hebrews 11 make it abundantly clear that works on the part of believers complete or perfect their faith. And whereas righteousness is imputed to all in every age who simply believe God's good news, their faith, as believers, is perfected and evident through "works of faith." James was bold to say that these believers are justified and declared righteous by God by "works of faith" (James 2:22).
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, for by it (faith) the elders obtained a good report" (Heb. 11:1-2). Many think this is a definition of faith, which it is not! This verse does not say the elders were saved, but that they "obtained a good report." John3:33 defines faith thus: "He that has received His (God's) testimony has set to his (own) seal that God is true." Again, "faith comes by hearing, and hearing (report) by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). Thus when Abraham believed God, "his faith was counted for righteousness" (Gen. 15:4).
Hebrews 11 lists examples of faith at work in the lives of believers, the elders listed there, and by those works of faith they obtained a good report. This chapter does not at all prove they were enduring unto the end as some would suggest. The listed works were in no way their final acts not did they express "endurance unto the end."
By faith they obtained a good report, and yet there is the other side, when they acted in the flesh, the report was not good. "By faith Noah...moved with fear, prepared an ark" (11:&), but what moved Noah when he got drunk and a curse came into his family? Abraham acted in faith when he "offered up Isaac," but what would you say when he told Pharaoh Sarah was his sister (Gen. 12:13)? "By faith Isaac blessed Jacob" but what do you think of his intention to give the greater blessing to Esau? By faith Moses "refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter," but what of his rash words when "he spoke unadvisedly with his lips," and smote the rock instead of speaking to it as commanded? All these faithful ones would surely say with Paul, "not as though I were already perfect," but "I press for the mark..." (Phil. 3:12-14). By works faith is perfected in imperfect saints!
Ivan L. Burgener |