March 27, 2005
1 Corinthians 14:1-40
"Covet earnestly the best gifts" ended chapter 12 and love was the "more excellent way." Paul had given a full chapter expanding and explaining what love is, and what it does, and does not do. Now "Pursue love and covet spiritual gifts" (1 Cor. 14:1). One can follow something forever and never catch it. Pursuit is different. Pursue has one goal, to catch and capture the object as quickly as possible! Yet love is not mentioned again in the chapter.
The chapter ends as it began, "covet to prophesy" (14:39). Lest any think such violates the commandment, "Thou shalt not covet," we need to be reminded that the word for covet is also translated desire, covet, to be envious and used in both good and bad senses. Here it is obviously used in the good way. Paul strongly urged them to desire spiritual gifts by which the church could be edified. The gift of tongues not only was on the bottom of Paul's lists in chapter 12, it had severe limitations. It could not be used unless there were present an interpreter (translator). The Corinthians did not seem to respect this limitation but were apparently using it indiscriminately and for self exaltation. In such cases only self was "edified," whereas those who prophesied "edified the church" (14:4). Love seeks the blessing of others. Love was not exhibited by their behavior.
Tongues appears 15 times in this chapter, however prophesy and prophet combine for 14 listings. Since "greater is he that prophesies than he that speaks with tongues" (14:5), love would see the ad-vantages of this greater gift, even if not so spectacular. Love would surely want this greater gift, not in self interest, but for the greater benefit, the edification, exhortation, and comfort of all. Edification of the church is God's goal. Even knowledge is above tongues, yet there is a caution, "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up (edifies)" (8:1).
Love abides eternal, even beyond both faith and hope. Sign gifts to Israel were far more temporary, for "tongues shall cease" when "that which is perfect is come" (13:10). And with the completion of God's revelation of the scriptures, the goal for the saint becomes love, the "bond of perfectness," being like minded with Paul!
Ivan L. Burgener