July 17, 2005
Matthew 10:28
The Lord spoke of "the danger of hell fire (gehenna)" when dealing with the matter of brethren settling differences so as to restore harmony and make their worship acceptable with God. Twice more in the Sermon on the Mount He mentioned possible offences of the eye or right hand and pointed out the loss of one of them would be preferred over the whole body being cast into hell (gehenna). These references do not deal with eternal destiny. His subject is one's continued welfare observing the Lord's high standards for perfection!
Mark 9 enlarges this same point where three times the Lord listed potential offences of the hand, the foot, and the eye. He suggested they be cut off or plucked out so as to "enter into life" maimed, than with body members intact, the person be "cast into hell" (gehenna). That "entering life" meant entering "into the kingdom of God " may clearly be seen in the parallel verses. The passage began with the disciples discussing "who would be the greatest" in the kingdom" (9:34). He emphasized removing every hindrance to faithful service.
In Matthew 10 the Lord chose and sent out the twelve apostles. He spoke about their message, ministry, provisions and the need to find a worthy house in each city they would visit. Where they were refused, it would be better for Sodom than for such a place, but they would still have opposition. They were as sheep among wolves, and cautioned against men, their councils, their synagogues, governors and kings. And the reception and rejection of their message would divide families and strain the closest family ties. What He had told them in private, they were to announce with boldness, from the house tops. In all this they were not to fear men who could kill only the body, but to fear God Who could "destroy both soul (life) and body in hell (gehenna)" (Mt. 10:28). Clearly there is no threat to their eternal destiny, but a loss of effective ministry and shame in their service for the Lord. Luke 12:5 addresses hell (gehenna) the same.
In Matthew 23:33 the Lord warned the Pharisees and scribes that their hypocrisy thoroughly unfitted them for God's service they would surely not "escape the judgment of hell" (gehenna)!
Ivan L. Burgener